Marina Aromshtam

Kogda angely otdykhayut When Angels are resting
Teenager book. KompasGid. Moscow 2016. 208 pages
Age 12+
Included in the list White Crows of International Munich Child’s Library
Foreign rights: China, Lithuania, Thailand, Ukraine

„If I had had a father, everything could have turned out differently, then my mother could have consulted with him. She would have consulted with him and would not have sent me to Tatyana Vladimirovna‘s school. And Tatyana Vladimirovna would not have said: „Get up! Hands behind your head!“ Grandfather would not have been shocked and would not have insisted that I be transferred to another school. And I wouldn‘t have gotten into Marsem‘s class. It was Marsem who told us about the angels - that they should rest. Many years have passed since then. But if something happens to me, good or bad, I remember it.“
