Marina Aromstham

Malenki chemodanchik Little Suitcase Travel
Children‘s book. Vremya. Moscow 2019. 128 pages
Illustrations by Vera Korotaeva
Age 5+
Awards: 2020 K. Chukovsky Prize
Tanslations: full English available

Once upon a time there was a suitcase family: a suitcase father, a suitcase mother and their son, a small suitcase. But maybe you only know carry-on suitcases? Those who walk hand in hand with the owner everywhere? But there are completely different, stand-alone suitcases. They lead a completely independent life. And the main thing for such suitcases is travel. The little suitcase goes on its first journey. He makes many strange encounters and has to face real dangers. But it makes him feel like he‘s living the life of a real suitcase. What could be nicer?
