Natalia Stepanova

Bolshaya Zashchitnaya Kniga Zdorovya The Great Book of Healing Spells
Spells. Ripol Classic. Moscow 2013.

Foreign rights: «Spells with Water» - Poland/ Studio Astropsychologii

Not to be confused with shaman Nadezhda Ananevna Stepanova, who performs in public but does not write books The original Russian magic of incantation differs from Western witchcraft first and foremost in that it was and is almost exclusively handed down orally. Western magic practices usually consist of simplified excerpts from texts and rituals from medieval magic books. In Russian magic there are no general rules or canons, it exists only in the living practical experience of each individual magician family, in which from generation to generation individual „people with powers“ are found as successors. In Stepanova‘s family, all the knowledge, customs, sayings, incantations of hundreds of years have been passed on and preserved through the female line.

Each of Natalia Stepanova‘s books is a collection of practical recipes, advice, customs and spells aimed at those who want to experience and convince themselves that this kind of folk magic actually exists. Stepanova‘s books breathe the original spirit of ancient Russian magic - simple, village-like, with romantic symbols and rituals that take place in the wilderness, in secluded forests, moors and swamp meadows where the spirits live. A Western readership gains insight into the secret world of Siberian magic and healing art, which is closed to outsiders.

Spells with Wind, Spells with Water, Spells with Fire, Spells with Salt, The Technique of Protective Magic, Protective Spells for the Family, The Great Book of Rites and Signs, Siberian Book of the Dead, Siberian Spells, Great Herbal Book of the Siberian Healer, Theory and Practice of Siberian Popular Magic et al

Overall sold copies in Russian in the double-digit million range
