Roman Senchin
"In this novel, Senchin takes a turn away from his traditional hopelessness, away from the ice underfoot and towards what man attaches to life ... In fact, Roman Senchin is very cheerful and bright, and his novel «Rain in Paris» confirms this. Only that one has to earn this light, has to fight back to him by dregs, melancholy, cold and despair." LITERATURNAYA GAZETA
"«Rain in Paris» is an extraordinarily graceful novel for all the details of everyday life. And with all the acute socio-political content a thoroughly philosophical text" PAVEL BASINSKI
"Senchin has a fantastic ear for any vulgarity - linguistic, political, everyday. The adventures of his hero are actually the adventures of a fly caught in amber." LEV DANILKIN
"«Rain in Paris» is also a kind of crypto-remake, an encrypted on many levels extensive allusion to Oblomov" HOMO LEGENS
"Do you know the prose of Senchin? A constantly drip-drip-drip, a Chinese torture with drops on the forehead, and the most unpleasant thing is that you can not skip over anything, with the eyes skipped anywhere else as in boring descriptions or eternal dialogues – for here every word is weighty and necessary... as if listening to the invisible chamber music of kindness itself. The world is absolutely mirrored as it is, drawing exactly the boundary behind which man ceases to be man. And never crossing it." OKTYABR
"Senchin’s prose is always about one thing for me: instinct. In its effect on me, on the reader. There are books that make you think. There are books that make you feel. Senchin‘s books arouse the survival instinct." IRINA BOGATYREVA
"Following the frighteningly hopeless ELTYSHEVS, which also focusses on a family, Senchin has come up with a book full of light and hope... Perhaps even the best of all the books Senchin has written." ALEKSEI VARLAMOV
“The Eltyshevs is one of the saddest, darkest and most achingly real books I’ve read in a long time. But for my taste, it’s also one of the best because it provides such a terrifying and detailed psychological portrait of intertwined economic, social, professional and moral failures that could, with a few changes, easily take place in another family or another country.”
“The Eltyshevs is Robinson Crusoe back-to-front: the palpable debasement of the human spirit that loses at every level of the life surrounding it, the bankruptcy of individualism and initiative, the capitulation of man in the face of nature...
It captures the mood of the era. The characters and the personalities: Senchin’s marvellous ability to turn these silent, unpredictable, second-rate individuals who normally receive no attention at all (not in literature either as a rule) into the heroes of vibrant settings.”
Listen to PAVEL BAZINSKY talking about the book on youtube: