Lilit Altunyan

Sini lis The Blue Fox
Childrenā€˜s book. Laska Press. Moscow 2023
Picture book with short text
Illustrations by the author
Age 3+

> philosophical tale, journey, meaning of life, value of family
Awards: 2020 IBBY honor list
Translations: full English available

One little blue fox needs to go a long way to become wiser and find the treasured forest.

The little blue fox could not feel at home in his native forest and went in search of his forest. He walked through many beautiful forests, but nowhere did he feel like he belonged. Finally, he ran after dark into another forest, where everything around was blue, and he decided to stay in it. But in the morning, when the sun rose, he realized that this was his native forest! He just saw him in a different light for the first time.

This little fox is very easy to recognize - he is blue. He will have to wander through the forests for a long time before growing up and turning into a wise blue fox.
