Lilit Altunyan

Khavari Tagavory The King of Darkness
Childrenā€˜s book. Vernatun Media. Baku 2023.
Picture book with short text
Illustrations by the author
Age 3+

> philosophical tale, journey, meaning of life, overcoming fear and sadness
2023 Book of the Year Armenia finalist
translations: full English available

A little king lived in his castle - the Darkness.

Every morning he would drink his black coffee and play chess with the black pieces. Life was perfect because nothing disturbed the Darkness, until a strange sound from behind his window robbed him of peace.

Very afraid of the outside world, he tried many ways to figure out the sound, but nothing worked in Darkness.

Life in the castle was no longer happy.

He eventually decided to overcome his fear and open the door.

This is how he discovers... light!
