Oleg Pavlov

Dnevniki bolnichnogo okhranika Notes of a Hospital Receptionist
Documentary chronicle. Vremya. Moscow 2012. 145 pages
Foreign rights: France, Poland, Serbia

Oleg Pavlov's NOTES OF A HOSPITAL RECEPTIONIST is the essence of the writer's personal experiences from the times he has been working as a receptionist in a Moscow hospital, between 1994 and 1997. Published as a book nearly sixteen years later, this diary became a lyrical epic masterpiece, earning recognition and praise of both critics and readers.
The book was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Prize, a non-governmental Russian literary award, for “confessional prose imbued with a poetic power and compassion, for the artistic and philosophical search for meaning of human existence in most difficult circumstances, for works in which troubles of the Russian life are shown with rare moral purity and sense of tragedy, for consecutiveness and steadiness in search of truth.”
