Aleksandr Fuflygin

"God's plan? The truth? These words no longer mean anything to us readers, as they have been worn thin over thousands of years. When you have a book at hand dedicated to God, to the Bible, the first thought that comes to mind is: What else about it could be new, interesting, fresh? Of course, these topics are eternal, but so much has been said, written and filmed about the Bible. It has been interpreted up and down, and at all times the greatest minds, the most venerable scholars, theologians and philosophers have dealt with it. And all of them were always divided into two camps: believers and non-believers, religious and atheists, and their positions were always irreconcilable.

Two books come to mind as soon as you start thinking about this division: God's Design by Elmer A. Martens and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. These two masters of word and thought came to radically opposite understandings. Faith in God is everything for man, the beginning of all beginnings. The Bible is the book of the covenant, the revelation of the Lord. So said the one. God is an illusion, a delusion, an invention, said the other. The Bible is the greatest misunderstanding in the history of mankind. And it seems that both authors have drawn a line under the matter. Now there are only two extreme positions: the denial of God and the Bible, because everything is too shaky and not proven; and the acceptance of God and the Bible, because faith is a natural necessity.

This book, God's Plan: Interpretation of the Truth, by Russian author Alexander Fuflygin not only destroys this stereotype, but also sets a unique, new precedent: the above positions, two extremes, are just two sides of the same coin. The name of this medal: error, fallacy. “The Bible is a book in the language of symbols,” Alexander Fuflygin writes. “All that is written in it are just symbols and nothing more. Figures, names, fates, family trees, their movements, countries, settlements, destinies, natural phenomena and cataclysms: all just symbols.” And such a text needs to be translated. Reading an encrypted text without decryption is as ridiculous as if a spy didn’t decrypt an encrypted message, but read straight. What would he read? Absurdity. A series of words or numbers. Abracadabra.

But that is exactly what Martens and Dawkins do: they read the text of the Bible without deciphering it, and each of them sees something different in it. But neither of them sees the truth. That is why their views are also incompatible. But what a struggle that is: two people who do not read the Bible at all, but only the cipher text behind which it is hidden. How should a Russian-speaking person read an English text if he or she does not know the language? After the translation into Russian, of course. How can a person who does not know modern slang read a text written in it? Of course, first translate the text into an ordinary, colloquial, literary language. “Chuck me a message on soap” - what does that mean? Are there people among us who actually write a letter, put it in an envelope and throw it on a pack of soap? How should one feel about that? Normal or crazy?

Unlike Fuflygin, Martens and Dawkins do not want to understand the Bible at all. One serves science, the other religion. There is nothing wrong with that, because serving the highest ideals or a highest, divine order is an important need of every human being. The only problem is that in this service they have completely forgotten about the truth. They have left out the most important thing: the true meaning of the Bible, its true text. They were so enthusiastic about their presentation of long understood, long known truths that they did not even think about searching further. Alexander Fuflygin is not only in search of the truth, he gives the reader a tool to search for it himself. For the Bible has taught him this: Only he who seeks will find. You cannot teach the truth, you cannot serve it on a silver platter. This, as it is usually presented and received, is not the truth, but a lie in all its shades: fiction, error, illusion.

God's Plan: Interpretation of the Truth is not only a clear translation of every line of the Bible from symbolic language to literary language. It also provides a description of the key, enabling anyone who understands and masters this key to read everything that is really written in the Bible.

Anyone who reads this book will be ahead of the game. He will have a real manual for his own soul. He will find answers to the most important questions that a person asks, when he wants to know himself: What is the human soul? What is the meaning of life? What is God? Why does man suffer and how can suffering end? How do I find happiness, harmony and inner balance? Answers to these questions can be found in the book God's Plan. Interpretation of the Truth. It is time to see the truth.

ALEXANDER ISAEV (PhD, Publisher, editor, critic)
