Ivan Davydov

Russki voenny karabl Russian Warship
3 manuscripts. Moscow 2022. approx. 120 pages in total

It is a common believe that understanding great historical events takes time. For example, the novel “War and Peace” was written by Tolstoy half a century after the war with Napoleon. Everything is different now. A lot is immediately clear, especially if you are willing to perceive and know how to distinguish truth from lies.

Many Russian writers do not support the war between the Russian government and Ukraine. They persistently follow the events and try to create a documentary and artistic reflection of the war on hot tracks. These texts can become performances and films, but they are written in such a way that they are interesting to read - and every- one can run their own film in their imagination, their own performance about what is happening not only in Ukraine and Russia, but to all of us.

is a story about a man from Ukraine living in Russia. In the winter of 2022 he falls into a coma, at the beginning of the summer he wakes up again and finds that war is rag- ing. It seems totally unbelievable, fantastic to him. After his coma, he lost human lan- guage, doesn’t know how to read, he hardly speaks, so he can’t understand anything. But suddenly he sees on TV his own bombed house in Mariupol, where he lived as a child and where his parents live (or lived?). And he goes back there...

A bombed Ukrainian city. A Russian officer is chasing a girl who for some reason grabbed a machine gun. When he catches her in a basement, there is an explosion. Both find themselves buried under rubble, face to face. The girl is also Russian, but she left Russia to look for her sister. She is pro Ukraine. The officer and the girl are enemies. Ready to kill each other. But they are forced to survive together.

Since the war, Putin has received letters, requests and warnings not to press the nuclear button, but also requests and demands to press it immediately. Before these letters are presented to Putin himself, some experts first test and study the reaction of a double of Putin. The double resembles Putin in psychophysics, and it is impor- tant for the observers to understand which of the submitted letters can be shown to Putin himself. The form of the text is phantasmagorical, but it uses also real letters and statements.
