Zakhar Prilepin

Zakhar Prilepin was born in 1975 near Ryazan. After completing his philology studies he worked initially as a packer, a security guard and journalist before becoming joining a specialist military unit. As a captain he took part in anti-terror deployments in Chechnya in 1996 and 1999. In line with Kasparov and Limonov Prilepin is a political activist stemming from the movement THE OTHER RUSSIA, a coalition of Russian political parties, human rights organizations, and pro-democracy activists.

Besides his literary writing Prilepin is writing for major Russian newspapers and journals. Recently Prilepin has become director of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Novaya Gazeta (the newspaper Anna Politkovskaya was working for). His own website is among the top 10 author's sites of Russia. Prilepin is married and has two sons. He lives in Nizhny Novgorod.

Awards: 2011 Super National Bestseller
2008 National Bestseller Award  |  Rusophonia France
2007 China Best foreign novel of the year  |  Yasnaya Polyana  |  Russia's true sons
2006 Russian Booker Prize  |  National Bestseller  |  Evrik-Prize
2005 Inspire Paris  |  Literaturnaya Rossia  |  Roman-Gazeta

foreign rights: Albania/ Shupky
Argentina/ Ediciones Colihuea
Armenia/ Antares
Bulgaria/ Kama/ Prozorets
China/ People's Literature
Czech Republic/ Argo
Denmark/ C&K
Finland/ Yle
France/ Actes Sud, Ed. des Syrtes, La Différence
Georgia/ Elf
Germany/ Matthes&Seitz
Hungary/ Europa
Italy/ Voland
Japan/ Gunzo
Macedonia/ Makedonika Litera
Norway/ Cappelen Damm
Poland/ Czarne, Poznanskie
Romania/ Curtea Veche
Slovenia/ Cancarjeva Zalozba
Spain/ Sajalin
Turkey/ Gurer
Ukraine/ Folio
UK/ Glagoslav
US/ Dzanc
