Petr Aleshkovski

Petr Aleshkovski was born in Moscow in 1957. His parents were archaeologists, the famous singer and author Yuz Aleshkovski was his uncle. After studying archeology himself, Petr Aleshkovski helped for many years on expeditions in northern Russia with the restoration of monasteries such as in Novgorod or the Solovki Archipelago. Since the 2000s he has worked as a radio journalist and directed various programs of his own. Immediately after February 24, 2022, he left his post at Russian Radio, where he had worked for over 20 years, and refuses to cooperate with the regime any further.

Aleshkovski is the author of many books for adults and children, several have been published in translation by Suhrkamp, Fayard, Varrak and others.

Aleshkovski has a Russian and an Israelian passport and continues to live in both countries because as he says: „I cannot leave my readers who know that there is opposition to Putin within the country.“
