Pavel Belyanski
Pavel Belyanski was born in 1977 in a family of military servants in the village of Shakhta No. 9, Perevalsky district, Lugansk region, Ukraine. From 1994 to 1999 he studied at the Chemical-Technological University of Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1996 he has worked as a freelance correspondent for the regional newspaper “Torgovy Dom” in Dnepropetrovsk and for VLD-Press. After graduating from university, he worked as a car dealer, advertiser, wholesale manager, sales department manager and commercial manager. In 2014 he opened his own company manufacturing and installating monuments. Belyansky is married and has two children.
Under the pseudonym "Pashtet" he actively wrote in samizdat and became the winner of various competitions. Later, on the advice of friends, he opened a facebook account. The first entries are from September 2015, and by June 2016 he already had more than 20,000 followers. His works appeared on one of the most visited websites in Ukraine
Foreign rights: Estonia/ Eesti Ramaat